As a public benefit corporation, we are owned by our 19,500-strong membership of patients, public and staff, who are represented by the council of governors. Most of our governors are elected by the membership.
Our governors:
- provide a direct link to our local community
- represent the interests of members and the wider public in the stewardship and development of the Trust
- advise the board of directors, who have the operational responsibility for running the hospital.
In this way the population served by our hospitals is directly involved in the governance of the Trust.
Role of governors
Governors are very important to ensure a link between the members of the NHS Foundation Trust, the wider community and those who run the hospital.
Non-urgent advice: Roles
Governors play a very important role by ensuring there is a link between the members of the Trust, the wider community and those who run the hospital.
A key part of the governor’s role is to communicate with both the members who voted for them, whether staff, patients or members of the public in the surrounding area, and with the local community at large.
Governors also take an interest in specific areas of our performance, for example, monitoring our patients’ experience, quality and safety and financial performance.
Patient governors
Public governors
Staff governors
Partner organisation governors
Professor John Clarkson
University of Cambridge
Dr Rachael Cubberley
Anglia Ruskin University
Stephen Legood
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Peter St George-Hyslop
University of Cambridge
Cllr Susan van de Ven
Cambridgeshire County Council
Cllr Rachel Wade
Cambridge City Council
Dr Stephen Webb
Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Karen Woodey
Campus Research Organisations
Governor meetings
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings of the Council of Governors will be held via videoconference until further notice. To request the link to observe the meeting please contact the Trust secretariat.
Upcoming meetings are on the event calendar.
Previous Council of Governor meetings and papers can be found on our Council of Governors archive page.