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Our staff make our hospitals special - everyone’s contribution is valued and acknowledged.

With over 100 staff job roles at the Trust, every single employee has a part in making the team at CUH the very best. Make sure to check back regularly for vacancies available in our hospitals.

Careers and vacancies

Find out about the careers and jobs on offer at our hospitals, along with a current list of vacancies.

Visit our CUH Careers website for more details

New starters

The new starters section of the CUH Careers website is provided for all new staff to help you settle into your role. These pages will also provide you with information that you may find useful in your first few days and weeks with us.

Visit our News starters pages for more details. (opens in a new tab)

Work experience

We are passionate about equipping young people with valuable careers guidance and expanding access to healthcare career opportunities. Our aim is to help develop skills, confidence, awareness and an understanding of the world of work, especially for students aged 14 – 19 years by providing a range of vacancies.

Find out more about the work experience opportunities available. (opens in a new tab)


We have a brilliant, active and highly valued team of more than 500 volunteers who give some of their time to make a difference for patients every week. We’re proud that Cambridge Universities Hospital (CUH) is a great place to volunteer.  Here’s why:

  • We create meaningful roles where volunteers have direct contact with patients and can see for themselves the difference they make
  • We provide free on-site parking, travel expenses (up to a 30 mile round trip)
  • We provide a comprehensive induction and optional on-going training opportunities
  • We appreciate volunteers’ service and attendance and acknowledge these with certificates, badges and celebration events
  • We have a dedicated team of staff in the Voluntary Services department to support our volunteers
  • We understand that each applicant’s motivation to step into volunteering vacancies is unique to them.
  • Volunteers join with staff in helping give our patients the best experience possible. Our values of Together - Safe, kind and excellent – apply equally to volunteers and staff.

Find out about the volunteering opportunities we have available. (opens in a new tab)