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CUH GP Portal

Connecting GP's to our services

NHS - How to register for access

NHS email account

  1. Complete and submit the GP Portal registration form. You will receive an email that shows your username (this is the email address you used when registering) and a link that enables you to set your password. ***Check your junk email if you have not received this email***
  2. Click on the link in the email to take you to the password setup screen
  3. Enter and confirm new password
  4. Visit the CUH GP Portal (opens in a new tab)
  5. Login in with email address and password
  6. You will now have access to CUH GP Portal

Your browser will remember your username and password providing you have cookies enabled in in your browser.

Forgotten password – NHS email Accounts

  1. Visit GP Portal - password reset
  2. Enter email address you used to register an account and submit
  3. Check email ***Check your junk email if you have not received this email***
  4. Click on link
  5. Reset and confirm new password.
  6. Visit the CUH GP Portal (opens in a new tab)
  7. Enter username (email) and new password.
  8. You will now have access to CUH GP Portal

Other email accounts

  1. Complete and submit the GP Portal registration form. Once you have submitted the form, you will see a ‘Thank You’ notification. As you are registering with an email address that is not NHS, the GP Liaison Department will need to verify your application.
  2. Once complete and successfully verified you will receive your login and password. This will be sent to the email address you supplied when registering.
  3. The password provided is unique, store this somewhere safe.
    If you need to reset your password, please follow the ‘Forgotten Password – Other Accounts’ guidance.
  4. Now that you have your username (email address) and password you can login
  5. Visit the CUH GP Portal (opens in a new tab)
  6. Login in with email address and password
  7. You will now have access to CUH GP Portal

Forgotten password - Other Accounts

  1. Email GP communications using the email address you registered with
  2. We will verify your account and resend the unique password to the email you have registered with
  3. Visit the CUH GP Portal (opens in a new tab)
  4. Enter username (email) and new password.
  5. You will now have access to CUH GP Portal