Connecting GP's to our services
NHS - How to register for access
NHS email account
- Complete and submit the GP Portal registration form. You will receive an email that shows your username (this is the email address you used when registering) and a link that enables you to set your password. ***Check your junk email if you have not received this email***
- Click on the link in the email to take you to the password setup screen
- Enter and confirm new password
- Visit the CUH GP Portal (opens in a new tab)
- Login in with email address and password
- You will now have access to CUH GP Portal
Your browser will remember your username and password providing you have cookies enabled in in your browser.
Forgotten password – NHS email Accounts
- Visit GP Portal - password reset
- Enter email address you used to register an account and submit
- Check email ***Check your junk email if you have not received this email***
- Click on link
- Reset and confirm new password.
- Visit the CUH GP Portal (opens in a new tab)
- Enter username (email) and new password.
- You will now have access to CUH GP Portal
Other email accounts
- Complete and submit the GP Portal registration form. Once you have submitted the form, you will see a ‘Thank You’ notification. As you are registering with an email address that is not NHS, the GP Liaison Department will need to verify your application.
- Once complete and successfully verified you will receive your login and password. This will be sent to the email address you supplied when registering.
- The password provided is unique, store this somewhere safe.
If you need to reset your password, please follow the ‘Forgotten Password – Other Accounts’ guidance. - Now that you have your username (email address) and password you can login
- Visit the CUH GP Portal (opens in a new tab)
- Login in with email address and password
- You will now have access to CUH GP Portal
Forgotten password - Other Accounts
- Email GP communications using the email address you registered with
- We will verify your account and resend the unique password to the email you have registered with
- Visit the CUH GP Portal (opens in a new tab)
- Enter username (email) and new password.
- You will now have access to CUH GP Portal